Becoming a Vendor at a Farmers Market in Tarrant County: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to become a vendor at a farmers market in Tarrant County? If so, you'll need to understand the selection process and the regulations that apply. This article will provide an overview of the requirements and steps you'll need to take to become a vendor at a farmers market in Tarrant County. First, it's important to note that meat or poultry products must come from animals processed in accordance with livestock processing regulations (chapter 43 of the Texas Health Safety Code &). Additionally, all vendors must obtain a temporary food establishment permit.

Fish and other aquatic species can be sold at farmers' markets, but commercial anglers must have a TPWD license or fish and other cultivated species must be produced and raised in a facility that has a TDA aquaculture license. The Texas Department of State Health Services has the authority to inspect all food vendors who must obtain a temporary permit to establish food at a farmer's market. Food produced in an artisanal food production operation (CFPO) can also be sold at farmers' markets, provided that the CFPO complies with the guidelines required by the law on artisanal food production operations. Fairfax County farmers markets only allow food sales and do not offer space for craft vendors or other commercial businesses. Senate Bill 617 (87th Legislature, 202) introduced several important changes to the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 437, which is the underlying law for retail food safety, to include farmers markets and home-cooked foods, in Texas.

A farmers market must include at least two vendors who meet the definition of farmer as defined in paragraph (of this section) and may include vendors that meet the definition of food producer as defined in paragraph (of this section). In addition, a farmers market may include vendors who are not farmers or food producers, provided that farmers and food producers make up the majority of the vendors who participate in the market throughout the year. If the food vendor is associated with a “good faith” cooking demonstration, the farmer's market must have a certified food manager. The Fairfax County Farmers Markets supplier selection process is competitive and based on the individual needs of each market. All food vendors in the county (The Boulevard Farmers Market) must have all county permits to participate in the farmers market.

Steps for Becoming a Vendor at a Farmers Market in Tarrant County

Step 1: Get in touch with your local health department to obtain a temporary permit to establish food at a farmer's market.

This permit is required for all vendors.

Step 2:

If you plan to sell fish or other aquatic species, you'll need to obtain either a TPWD license or have your fish and other cultivated species produced and raised in a facility that has a TDA aquaculture license.

Step 3:

If your food vendor is associated with a “good faith” cooking demonstration, you'll need to have a certified food manager.

Step 4:

Contact your local Fairfax County Farmers Markets supplier selection process for more information about becoming a vendor.

You'll need to provide all county permits before you can participate in the farmers market.


Becoming a vendor at a farmers market in Tarrant County requires following certain steps and regulations. It's important to understand these requirements before applying for any permits or licenses. If you have any questions about becoming a vendor at a farmers market in Tarrant County, contact your local health department or Fairfax County Farmers Markets supplier selection process for more information.

Paulette Gruver
Paulette Gruver

Passionate beeraholic. Infuriatingly humble internet ninja. Evil internet lover. Evil coffee fan. Typical tv buff.